Apparently, research is increasingly in the major college football programs of the evil deed between the agent and the players a day announced by the NCAA. Many wonder why now these accusations, the surface of nfl jerseys
the whole country. They have now decided that the NCAA will not stand by and let these transgressions take place in more? I think the NCAA has long been on the weak side of society for operators, have been gifts to college athletes and major gifts, to make an impression of a performance in the future to. The NCAA has not really had and have no right to punish the sports-agent problems that were caused by pathogens. The NFLPA is responsible for dealing with professional players and their agents. The NCAA has no jurisdiction over violations of the funds, the only college players. Which actors is the university? His institution. So the only action you can use the NCAA to the universities, where there is clear evidence to punish violations of players' agents. not carried out under the present system is to prevent these violations and everything remains status quo. In all reality, which corresponds to the NFLPA to explain the new rules and guidelines that deal specifically with sports agents, professional players who are not specialists involved. Or you can create a mandatory rule of the jurisdiction where the two bodies of government work around the law, according to agents. Arrival at the base of these investigations and violations of the rules between the players and agents, which is reduced? What is the ultimate source or reason for everything. The answer in one word (the word is, for most problems in the world) is greed. The greed of the players, agents and institutions. Estate Agents believe that convince by flashing a little money on players before them somehow, the players, the millions of dollars with several NFL teams to sign for them to provide greater require the services of an officer. An even more dirty tactics, have begun to involve the media is in a infuencing said that aspects of family members and players player. A perfect example is the case of Reggie Bush at Southern California. The NCAA has received evidence that a professional agent preferential treatment and Gifts Reggie and his family had given while he was enrolled at USC. Influence the members of the family of Reggie automatically assume that the agent represents the Heisman Trophy in the NFL. Of course, if the agent receives no sports clients mulit million land in another sports agent (the players signed) will be released to do the same thing. I mention greed on the part of agents. However, the players are just as guilty, in my opinion. At the time these players prepare for life in the NFL are usually over 21 years, men! Men who are responsible for their actions. The players know what they are if they want to take money from the agents. They know that if they could lose underclassmen a year of eligibility if he is detected. They know that a sport can be found in their school if they get caught. Even with the impending loss of an entire year, why the players to accept these offers to continue? Because they are greedy. They think they help their family or at least that's the bone of the officer released the dog. But if a violation is ultimately help everyone. The players have to learn and work hard to understand, act and do things the right way, you can get exactly where they end, if not more! Only no violations of 49ers jersey
the cessation of their Alma Mater in the balance. This brings me to the situation with the universities.
There is no question that the player came with a huge talent. Schools would be stupid, a system that the player gets within and outside of football programs as quickly as possible have. The players bring a lot of attention and publicity for the school. The schools are greedy in a sense, they do not want players who come and steal all the major attractions of the previous year. This is the definition of these codes of agent players, the players do not have the right to contact or contact with these substances, accept donations or anything. People automatically on the side of the school and agree that agents and players are wrong. They do not realize that the players the right to live and have the right to work, to life as easy as they want. The schools are essentially eliminated if its rules are adhered to and attracts players eligibility. The best solution for these agreements are bad schools were in the coming years must be made by agents. I know that players, agents the right to work, to make life easier and to have. But if the cost of a global institution, where thousands of students, who in turn affects business in general. Then just stop. Money does not make a man happy. Billionaires and millionaires will tell you that their wealth and material things that will make them happy. Officers have the right to work, to live comfortably as everyone else. Officers need to make thousands of athletes in professional sports, it is possible for customers. You can go and do business, that sound moral, legitimate, beneficial to both player and his agent, and may do so in a Saints jersey
professional manner that does not does not bother with our education system. For those who do not change, the way to the NFLPA needs revoke a strong hand over them and their license. For reasons of ethics and moral economy is the time to take against greed.