If he has a broken or cracked the screen should be replaced. If she is still under warranty, you can use it to Apple and have done so. If the case is not under warranty and Apple, the repair will be very expensive. You cheap nfl jerseys
can use a repair shop replaced the screen or third party can do it yourself, what is the cheapest option. You can find replacements on-screen Internet. Here is how to replace on the screen of the MacBook computer. The need for a small Phillips screwdriver. Beginning of the dismantling of the first three screws from the bottom. Then the screws on the side. Then the screws in the battery site. You should know that almost all the screws on the street in one place. Therefore, each screw has a pattern like it has been in the MacBook.
After removing the screws on the outside of the building, the entire keyboard. Then remove the plate from the screen. This can be difficult because it delicately cable to connect to the motherboard are on the screen at the most sensitive as an internal hard drive and DVD-ROM weblink to the motherboard. These connections are bolted connections, the cables simply. Pull the connectors on the motherboard all the connections of the screen and carefully remove the broken screen.
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the right to do differently. If, after you get your running back, you notice that the screen is dark, remember to connect the backlight of the screen. If you can not use the CD, a component can fail to have in place in the DVD / CD. These errors occur when you do not slowly and carefully, and work on a clean work surface, no carpet.
However, he managed to replace the screen of your MacBook and saved a considerable amount of time and money in the process. This makes you an expert in his own right.